Map Reeves Elementary

2025 Annual Meeting of the Members of Pine Forest Country Club Community Association, Inc.

The Annual Meeting of the Members of Pine Forest Country Club Community Association, Inc., will be held on January 21, 2025 at 6:00pm at William Reeves Elementary School, 1003 DuBose School Road, Summerville, SC 29483. Enter the cafeteria at the rear entrance by the bus loop.

HOA dues

Delinquent HOA Dues Being Assigned to Attorney

Attention Homeowners (Master Association, Gables, & Legacy): Thank you to all homeowners who are conscientious about timely payment of HOA dues.  It is the Board’s fiduciary responsibility to the community to collect dues and to ensure that paying members aren’t carrying the load for non-paying members. To that end, the Board has retained a law […]


Please see below for the process the county is proposing and a notice of a public meeting. Officers of the HOA have toured the bridge, Hazeltine easement, and the Hunters Creek neighborhood, and recognize that with weight restrictions being imposed on the existing bridge and the need for services such as firetrucks, EMS vehicles, school […]

garage sale

Annual Garage Sale 9/21/24 8AM-12PM

The annual Pine Forest Neighborhood Yard Sale is held on the 3rd Saturday of September.


Architectural Review Board

Completion of a Proposal Form is required for any renovations, modifications, or additions to home or lot.

K. Hovnanian Homes Section Meeting July 22, 2024

On Monday, July 22, 2024, K. Hovnanian Homes and Thomas & Hutton Engineering will host a drop-in at Summerville Country Club from 5-7pm to provide information and solicit feedback regarding their proposed community in Pine Forest. If you choose to leave a comment, please include your address.

Map Reeves Elementary

2024 Annual Meeting of the Members of Pine Forest Country Club Community Association, Inc.

Reeves Elementary School1003 Dubose School Rd, Summerville, SC 294836pmEnter at BUS LOOP (yellow arrow). Meeting is in CAFETERIA (white arrow).

2023 Annual Meeting of the Members of Pine Forest Country Club Community Association, Inc.

The Annual Meeting of the Members of Pine Forest Country Club Community Association, Inc., will be held on January 17, 2023 at 6:00pm at William Reeves Elementary School, 1003 Dubose School Road, Summerville SC 29483. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria near the rear entrance at the bus loop. HOA DUES: Mail a […]

Fine Policy

PFCCCA, Inc. Fine Policy

Authority to impose fine is covered under Article V, Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors, Section 1. Powers.  The Board of Directors shall have power to: Adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the use of  the Common Properties, Restricted Common Properties and Purchased Common Properties, and the personal conduct of the members […]

Golf carts

Golf Cart Laws

It is important for everyone to know the laws governing golf carts.

Speed Bump

Speed Bumps, Speed Humps, Traffic Calming

Any homeowners interested in pursuing speed bumps, etc., must follow the Town’s Traffic Calming Policy outlined here.

Boat Camper

Violation of Covenants – Trash Cans, Boats, Trailers, Campers, etc.

In an effort to maintain the appeal, integrity and property values of our beautiful neighborhood, the Pine Forest Country Club Community Association, Inc. would like to remind residents of a few of the covenants which make Pine Forest a highly desirable and acclaimed Lowcountry community: “No utility trailer, camper, recreational vehicle, boat, tent, barn, tree […]


Mailbox Information

All mailboxes and posts must be black.   Mailbox coverings or artwork are not allowed. Mr. Chad Thompson handles mailbox installation and repairs.  He is happy to help and often has the parts available. Call Chad Thompson 843-814-5821 Charges vary depending on the scope of work for repairs. Homeowners are responsible for mailbox repair charges, not […]

Street Light

Street Lights

Instructions on how to report street light outage.

Tree Removal

Homeowners frequently inquire about tree removal.  The Town of Summerville’s Tree Protection Ordinance is in place because the citizens of the town and Town Council recognize the importance of preserving the natural landscape through the protection of existing trees. Here is a link to the Town of Summerville laws regarding the removal of trees.

parking on street


Parking on the Street The board has received complaints and concerns about cars being parked on the street often and for extended periods of time. Please be courteous to your neighbors and refrain from on-street parking in our neighborhood.  Please see the Town of Summerville Municipal Code on parking. In the Legacy at Pine Forest […]


The Gables at Pine Forest Community

Pine Forest Country Club Community Association, Inc. is now handling the administrative function of collecting annual HOA dues for The Gables section.

Trash Cans in View from Street

The neighborhood covenants require that all trash and recycle containers be stored so that they are not viewable from the street. Trash and recycle containers should be placed on the street no earlier than the evening before pickup. Trash and recycle containers should be removed from the street on the same day as pickup.

Golf Fairway Residential Areas

Owners of Golf Fairway lots are encouraged to read Section IV “Special Restrictions Affecting Golf Fairway Residential Areas” of the Community Association and General Covenants of Pine Forest Country Club.  This section of the covenants addresses easements, landscaping, and rights of access to your property. Go to:

Yard Waste

Yard waste pickup is every Thursday. Try to avoid placing yard waste beside the road prior to Wednesday.